Savings Accounts
Regular Savings
This account earns a variable interest rate. Should your average balance drop below $100, your account will be charged $1.00 per statement. (Service charge does not apply to accounts owned by minors under age 18.)
Money Market Insured Savings
A $1,000 minimum deposit and average balance of $1,000 pays a tiered interest rate set weekly. Should your average balance drop below the minimum, you will receive the variable rate given for Regular Savings, and be charged $3.00 per monthly statement.
Cash Management Account
A $10,000 minimum deposit and average balance of $1,000 pays a tiered interest rate set weekly. Should your average balance drop below the minimum, you will receive the variable rate given for Regular Savings, and your account will be charged $5.00 per monthly statement.
Christmas Club
The Christmas Club interest rate is variable just like Regular Savings. No minimum balance requirement. Checks issued the first week of November.
Savings Certificates
Savings Certificates have fixed interest rates. Length of term and deposit amount determine rate. Interest is paid at term, semi-annually, or monthly to a deposit account. Following are terms and minimum deposits for Savings Certificates:
- Less than 12 months - $1,000 minimum
- 12 months or greater - $100 minimum
An interest penalty is charged for early withdrawals. Maturities of 12 months or less: 30 days interest penalty. Maturities of greater than 12 months: 90 days interest penalty.
IRA Accounts
Individual Retirement Accounts are offered with both a variable interest rate and a fixed interest rate. There are no sales or administrative fees. We, or your tax advisor, can provide further explanations about the benefits of variable and fixed interest rates.
Click above to see more information about this affordable, convenient savings plan.
And check out Investment Centers for all your investing needs, located right in Commercial State Bank.

Commercial State Bank is an Equal Housing Lender, and accounts are insured by the FDIC. All information on this site is subject to change without notice.
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Chris Buckley and Kaare Anderson For Commercial State Bank.