Harbor Mates Merchant Discounts
The Harbor Mates Newsletter is Online!

The Harbor Mates club is a club for account holders 55 or over with a balance of $1,500 or more in a daily interest savings account, a Certificate of Deposit, an IRA, or a checking account. Once you become a Harbor Mate, here are some of the benefits you will receive:

Where have the Harbor Mates been going?

  • Day Trips
  • International Trips
  • Mystery Trips
  • Shows
  • Somewhere YOU want to go -> E-mail us! [email protected]

    Check out these links, which offer info about the places the Harbor Mates are going!

    • Grand Casino
    • Las Vegas
    • Spain and Portugal
    • Finland
    • Alaska

    Travel Fund Savings Plan

    Take advantage of Commercial State Bank's Smart Savings Plan, designed exclusively for Harbor Mates Club getaways. You can set up a personalized plan for Harbor Mates trips, and earn interest while you save!

Commercial State Bank is an Equal Housing Lender, and accounts are insured by the FDIC. All information on this site is subject to change without notice.

This page optimized for all standard resolutions, and is best viewed using Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 or later, or Netscape Navigator 2.0 or later. This page created by Chris Buckley and Kaare Anderson For Commercial State Bank.