Interested in a home mortgage or refinancing? Look for rates AND service at CSBFavorable interest rates this winter and spring have encouraged many Northland homeowners to investigate exchanging their higher-interest home loans for lower-interest or shorter-term mortgages. Lending officers at Commercial State Bank field at least a dozen calls a day from people seeking to save interest costs or consolidate debt through a refinanced mortgage. Longtime CSB customers, as well as peopole shopping around for refinancing, hear the same message when they call: The lowest rate doesn't always mean the lowest cost. Make sure you work with a lender you trust. "People tend to be blinded by the lure of the lowest interest rates," said CSB Assistant Vice President Pete Almstedt. "In refinancing, the loan products are pretty much the same, but the costs of service vary a lot." His advice is to check into points, fees and expenses that can be associated with mortgage refinancing, and to make sure you get the service you deserve. Commercial State Bank's goals are to be competitive on rates and to make sure each customer receives personal attention. "Our customer relationships are built on trust and satisfaction." Pete said. "We really like to treat people right. We want to keep you as our customer. We want you to come back when you have another banking need." Customers seem to appreciate the time and effort CSB personnel put into serving their clients, Pete said. "It's like good, old-fasioned, home cooking. It shows when you care about something." CSB offers customers mortgagte lending options matching customer needs with the best programs. For example, CSB will often initiate and service in-house loans for smaller or shorter-term mortages. Larger loans enter a secondary market through a mortgatge company associated with Commercial State Bank. "It sort of comes down to customer counseling," Pete explained. "we provide the information so they can make educated choices. We're willing to take the time to see what fits them the best." Another of CSB's advantages is its commitment to the Lake County community as a whole. "We want to do what's best for our community, too," he said. |